An Apprentice is a person who learns his or her desired trade through practical experience and classroom education as determined by the Ministry of Colleges of trades. Please look at the sheet metal worker job description to see the scope of work that an apprentice will learn.
To work as a sheet metal worker in Ontario, you must:
- hold a certificate of qualification in the sheet metal trade; or
- be a registered apprentice sheet metal worker;
If an individual wishes to train to become qualified as a sheet metal worker with Local 504, he or she must:
- have completed grade 12;
- make an appointment to do an aptitude test at the Union office;
- complete application paperwork;
- briefly talk to an organizer;
- be placed on a list to be invited to a orientation with the Local Joint Apprenticeship Committee (LAC);
- attend the orientation;
- Upon acceptance at LAC seek out an employer, with the union’s assistance;
- pay first union dues and initiation fee, collect dispatch slip;
- follow all guidelines as set by the Local Joint Apprenticeship Committee (LAC);
- register with the province through the LAC;
- complete 9000 hours of work experience, including 24 weeks of technical training (day school) as well as Local 504 night school;
- successfully complete all required examinations;
- pay all prescribed fees.
To find out more about sheet metal apprenticeship, contact the Union office.